Track Santa's Sleigh

Weihnachten steht vor der Tür - Treffen Sie Mr. und Mrs. Santa Claus - Erhalten Sie die Chance auf einen Live-Videoanruf

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Wie man den Weihnachtsmann aufspürt

Are you eager to follow Santa's enchanting journey across the globe? With our specialized Santa Tracker, you're in for a magical experience! It's a little-known secret that Santa Claus doesn't limit his sleigh rides to just Christmas Eve. Throughout the year, he embarks on various trips, spreading joy and magic far and wide.

Here at, we're thrilled to offer the ultimate Santa Tracker, providing you with real-time updates on Santa's whereabouts. Whether he's dashing through the snow or visiting distant lands, our tracker keeps you in the loop.

But Santa's sleigh isn't just any ordinary vehicle; it's maintained by a dedicated team of elves who ensure it's always in peak condition. Sometimes, you might even catch a glimpse of these elves as they take the sleigh for a spin, ensuring everything is perfect for Santa's next journey. And let's not forget the reindeer – their passion for flying doesn't just come alive on December 24th; they're always ready for an adventure!

So if you want to see where Santa's location is when he is flying in the sleigh, you can use our sighting opportunities page to track Santa Claus's travels.

How can you see when Santa is leaving the North Pole and going somewhere? Simply put your zip code/postal code or city in the search bar, click GO. Our Santa Tracker will then show you times and dates that you may be able to see the Sleigh fly over you.

Once you find a time a date you may be able to see the sleigh, go outside and look to see the direction the sleigh will be coming from and which direction it will be headed. If you look in the right spot, you will see a very bright light - NOT BLINKING - moving very fast across the sky. When the Elves are taking it out to test, they usually travel about 17,000 miles per hour. The reindeer love to fly that fast! Now on Christmas Eve when Santa and the reindeer are out delivering presents, they fly way faster than that. The speed on Christmas Eve is a highly guarded secret here at the North Pole.

When you spot Santa's sleigh, don't forget to share your magical experience through our provided links. Join us in tracking Santa's sleigh and be part of a worldwide community sharing in the magic of the holiday season!

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Wie erkennt man den Schlitten des Weihnachtsmanns?

Offizieller Santa Tracker. | Wie erkennt man den Schlitten des Weihnachtsmanns? Erforsche und finde


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Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Warum ist der Weihnachtsmannschlitten dort oben?
  • Wie oft kann ich den Weihnachtsmannschlitten sehen?
  • Warum gibt es für meinen Standort keine Sichtungsmöglichkeiten?
  • Ich bin umgezogen, wie kann ich meinen Standort ändern?
ALLE FAQ's sehen
Der Weihnachtsmann sieht dich und will mit dir reden!

"Egal, ob du auf der Liste der netten Kinder stehst oder nicht, du kannst deine Eltern fragen und ihnen die AMAZINEN ANGEBOTE unten zeigen und eine der Optionen auswählen, um ein Live-Gespräch mit dem Weihnachtsmann selbst zu buchen. Auf diese Weise kannst du dieses Jahr deinen eigenen persönlichen Online-Besuch vom Weihnachtsmann bekommen. Worauf wartest du also noch? Zeigt dies euren Eltern jetzt!"


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