Santa's Influencer Partnerships

Interested in a content partnership with us? Submit your application here!

Santa Claus welcomes collaboration with influencers. We want to work with digital media influencers that can make Christmas more magical for children around the world.

Please read who we are looking for before completing the Influencer Partnership Form

  • Parenting Bloggers & Vloggers: Share family tips, activities, and holiday traditions.
  • Family & Lifestyle Influencers: Showcase festive experiences and traditions.
  • Mommy/Daddy Influencers: Provide authentic content about daily life with kids.
  • Kid-Friendly YouTubers: Create engaging content for children.
  • Craft & DIY Influencers: Integrate our Santa services into creative, festive projects.
  • Holiday Enthusiasts: Spread the holiday cheer with Santa-themed content.
  • Education-Focused Influencers: Share educational content for children.
  • Event Planners: Highlight holiday parties and special events.
  • Local Community Influencers: Promote local events and holiday celebrations.
  • Toy & Game Reviewers: Feature our services as part of the ultimate holiday experience.

For those who qualify:

Depending on your following and outreach, we have several things we can do to reward you for helping Santa! Of course one is keeping you on the nice list.

Influencer Partnership Form

Fill out the form and one of our Elves will be in touch soon.